Bio of Stanton DeFreitas, Writer

From the time Stanton DeFreitas was born in the Scarborough section of Toronto, Ontario, he began to realize the advantages that came with being raised in a diverse atmosphere. Based on his experience as a Canadian citizen with Caribbean roots, he witnessed and absorbed parts of many differing cultures and they have informed his career as an international business consultant. Stanton DeFreitas feels that everyone is a citizen of the world, regardless of where they come from. He firmly he believes that everyone should make a greater effort to broaden their horizons in every way, including spiritually and academically, as well as culturally. This is the approach Stanton DeFreitas takes when in his global business travels, and he believes that his point of view has made him a better and more successful entrepreneur.

Stanton DeFreitas’ ultimate goal is to become a writer. He wants to relate his experience to many people on a great many important issues. Of course, he wants to write about international current events, but he also wants to relate to people about international travel, international sports and even personal health and wellness. If he can show people of different cultures how we can work better together, we can have a better world. After all, come cultures may have a solution to another culture’s problems, and we should all share.

It is clear that Stanton DeFreitas derived great benefit from his childhood and his exposure to so many traditions and cultures. He embraced all of them and that exposure to so many ways to consider everything has made him a great businessman. He wants to use his writing to share that knowledge with the world and make the world work better for everyone.